The Healthy Church Hub


Thrive Church is a small church making a big impact. Since switching to our online giving platform they’ve experienced increased generosity and the elimination of debt, giving them more resources for ministry.

Ed Grant, Lead Pastor of Thrive church, believes a small-sized church doesn’t have to equate to a small-sized culture of generosity. This is why he started looking for the right online giving platform. 

Pastor Ed explained that they were looking for “a place that cares about the majority of churches in America, which are small churches, and helps them to be more generous so they can do more ministry.”

Factors in Choosing an Online Giving Platform

“The biggest thing was that as a small church…we knew we wanted to offer online giving,” Pastor Ed explained. 

However, as he started looking at online giving platforms, he knew he needed to prioritize a few things. He needed a platform that:

  • Wasn’t going to charge a lot of extra money or hidden fees.
  • Would allow them to easily integrate with other software and systems.
  • Could give them the most value for the cost.

Pastor Ed also knew they would have to change the narrative and stigma around online giving especially with older members in their congregation.

Initially, the older group at Thrive Church didn’t embrace online giving, but Pastor Ed started explaining how this tool helps both current and future generations and benefits the church as a whole. It didn’t take long for these members to be willing to give it a try. 

A Two-Fold Impact

Online giving through Ministry Brands has impacted Thrive Church as a whole in two major ways: increased generosity and eliminating debt.

1. Increased Generosity

Pastor Ed explained that offering online giving first and foremost allowed people to be generous.

Before, giving was only available through bringing cash or a check and oftentimes their members would simply forget. Now, giving avenues are readily available. Not only that, but it’s quick and easy to set up for even first-time givers. 

Pastor Ed explained, “It’s allowed us to have people give who have never given before.” 

2. Eliminating Debt

A second, and maybe even larger impact for Thrive Church is how online giving has helped their church eliminate debt. “We couldn’t believe it,” Pastor Ed exclaimed.

After introducing online giving through Ministry Brands, members of Thrive Church quickly bought into the church’s vision of paying down debt. Many members even set up recurring giving online so their offerings regularly came in month after month. 

Pastor Ed explained how this “allowed us to get our debt paid off far quicker than we thought.”

Now, they have more resources for ministry! 

Key Features

Making the switch to our online giving platform also helped to simplify processes and give Thrive Church access to information they didn’t have before. A few features they love are:

  • Recurring Giving
  • Designated Funds
  • Robust Reporting

Pastor Ed explained how they’ve set up funds for particular events like a Women’s Retreat using online giving. This allowed ladies to head online and pay for the retreat easily. “To have that option is just incredible,” Pastor Ed said.

He also explained how the platform feeds him information about the status of giving which helps with budgeting, messaging, and so much more.

For example, he was able to easily see that their giving is almost $11,000 ahead of where they were at this same time last year. What an incredible impact and testimony!

Take it From Them

When asked what advice Pastor Ed would give other churches looking to switch online giving platforms, he quickly said, “You have to believe people are generous.” He then explained if you start with that premise, then you will prioritize finding a place designed to help people give generously. 

When describing the impact Ministry Brands has made, Pastor Ed said, “I don’t know that there’s a better place for small churches.” 

Next Steps

If like Thrive Church, you’re ready to make a big impact, what’s keeping you from exploring software designed with the church front of mind?

Take a small step today and try it for yourself. Schedule your free demo of Ministry Brands Amplify here.